SmartGA - 스마트GA

by (주)지넥슨



> Genexon office of the sonan for Mobile ERP ERP users! It has a new look as "SMART GA".* How to use the touch-optimized interface!, Anyone can easily use !, a service-oriented screen design convenience!  Please efficiently manage the administrative, organizational Chapter, sales letters work from now on.* Check the ERP information from the screen set to suit individual business!  Now, even if the foreign or local to determine the work status and enable the work order.* ST connected to PC or go check, I go to the main office? The hassle is enough!  The immediate solution for various tasks, causing leakage of the operating schedule in the palm of your hand!* Fees rise, the statistics out there falling trend in Excel document? now stop!  From now on, make a single touch!* Did you know that the head office extension number is many times? Want to know what the insurers representative contacts?  You can now directly connect anyone anywhere using the help desk.> Nexon Mobile ERP was not like this.* Views from the main features of the mobile ERP, OK* ST fees or apply for various certificates* Notices or information, the application of new posts in real-time, etc., to ensure Alarm* Via the helpdesk each branch and headquarters Share contacts* Automatic Updating patches to be developed hybrid wepaep